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Blocks/TXs still in the queue when last block is requested are not counted in the total.

Open codingchili opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

The total imported shown when imports complete is not entirely accurate. If the backpressure buffer is large, then the accuracy increases. The total count is measured when the final block is requested from the node - this leads to blocks still in the queue to be written to DB is not counted.

codingchili avatar Jul 14 '18 21:07 codingchili

If this is important, set the backpressure TX to 1 and backpressure blocks to 1. It will be a quite a bit slower but will show the correct totals. This will require some more work to figure out and we want to release 1.1.0 now.

codingchili avatar Jul 15 '18 18:07 codingchili