Red Artist

Results 119 comments of Red Artist

I license past and future contributions under the triple MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib license, allowing licensees to choose any one at their option.

Can we have a sort of file ? would help some new people to know how to start contributing as this seems like one of the easiest rust projects...

oof, 3 months is a long time. but just wanted to see if there is some kind of progress related to separating platform specific functionality . pretty much none...

ah. my bad. my use case of glow is to just have a clean wrapper instead of raw gl bindings with raw pointers and casts flying around everywhere. i asked...

rfd is the popular file dialog crate . it is sort of like a port of . one of the main purpose of the library is to open...

aye, that's exactly what i wanted. now everytime the app crashes, I will have a clear indication of where something went wrong even before i check the log files.

can confirm. pointer release event does not arrive if i left click hold in egui, move pointer out of browser and right click on desktop, bevy won't register the left... don't know how to link issues with PRs, so just commenting to link the issue.

it seems `eframe_template` already has the issue of service worker thingy. when you open ![image]( the whole action to deploy to `gh-pages` from commit to building the website takes...

should be good now. added small tips to README