Jochen Mader

Results 13 issues of Jochen Mader

# Why ? The current implementation of the Clickhouse-Container only supports the Yandex-JDBC-driver and enforces it to be on the classpath. It also doesn't export trhe MYSQL-port available in Clickhouse....

I am running into the following issue: I am using the following simple MQTT-Verticle ``` public class MqttVerticle extends AbstractVerticle{ @Override public void start() throws Exception { Integer port =...

Seems like there is a problem with parameterized Interfaces. io.vertx.core.Promise, which is an interface, will yield the following results when going through codegen: ((ClassTypeInfo) type).getParams().size() => 1 ((ClassTypeInfo) type).isParameterized() =>...

I issue was opened against vertx-lang-scala about a missing mthod ( After some research I can confirm that clusterManager isn't part of the 'properties' list provided when generating code for...

When using type.kind for Handlers (e.g. io.vertx.ext.web.handler.CookieHandler) the kind is reported to be CLASS_API instead of CLASS_HANDLER.

**Motivation** Using the reactive integrations (rxjava2/reactor) results in a situation where after an MqttPublish has been processed a Mqtt5PublishResult is forward in the stream. This object doesn't contain any processing...


## 🚀 Feature Request Going through the API I can't find a way to specify or receive an MQTT 5 topic alias. This is weird since the connection parameters for...


Version of GHC: GHCi, version 7.10.2 Running inside Sublime Text 3 and current SublimeHaskell-PlugIn installed. Sublime REPL 2.1.1 running in Sublime Text 3 with all recent updates The following line...

I am currently working on the Scala-Docs and ran into an issue. Luckily it also manifests in other generated docs :) Take a look at: The code-example contains a...

## Description We need to provide a Maven-quickstart to make it easier for new users to start using vertx-scala. ## Acceptance criteria A full Maven-Vert.x-Scala-project can be generated on
