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CockroachDB adapter for ActiveRecord.

Results 73 activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter issues
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There is one failing test introduced in rails 7.1: `MultiDbMigratorTest#test_internal_metadata_stores_environment`

rails 7.1

Tests: - CreateOrFindByWithinTransactions#test_multiple_find_or_create_by_bang_within_transactions - CreateOrFindByWithinTransactions#test_multiple_find_or_create_by_within_transactions The second thread is running both `ROLLBACK` and `COMMIT` at some point, hence the unwanted error: _no transaction in progress_. The bug appears at the...

rails 7.1

As is stale, we should put a bit more care in this method that might exist for a long time. Currently: - It is super slow - It is...

Hello, I try to remove a uniq index: `add_index :foo, :foo_token unique: true` with `remove_index :foo, name: :foo_token` and I get ``` -- remove_index(:foo, {:name=>:foo_token}) /usr/local/bundle/gems/prometheus_exporter-2.0.8/lib/prometheus_exporter/instrumentation/method_profiler.rb:97:in `exec': PG::DependentObjectsStillExist: ERROR: index...

We use Cockroach with [Scenic]( and that seems to work just fine. But we sadly hat to monkey patch stuff because of (effectively) `supports_materialized_views? = false` in the Cockroach Rails...

The current commit only supports passing in an explicit timestamp as the parameter to AS OF SYSTEM TIME. It doesn't look to support the other [parameter types]( like an interval...

This fixes some failing tests AND add a new feature :) The only thing that worries me is that default of precision 6, which makes some of the compatibility test...

Currently it is only possible to specify the columns that need to be stored in an index using the regular [`add_index`]( method. We therefore resort to [`execute`]( statements like the...

Hello, when I add a `collation` with an extension to a migration it does not appear in the `schema.rb`. For example: `add_column :careflex_employees, :last_name, :string, collation: 'de-u-ks-level2'`, then the...

What are the Cockroach-teams plans for this repo? It hasn't seen a release in almost a year, and some issues are left unanswered. Have you moved priorities elsewhere? For someone...