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CockroachDB adapter for ActiveRecord.

Results 73 activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter issues
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As noted here,, when rails generates a model with Postgres, it creates a sequence. I am not finding that behavior to carryover into using the CockroachDB adapter. Is there...

> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InternalError: ERROR: value type int doesn't match type STRING of column "version" : INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES (20180402213849) > PG::InternalError: ERROR: value type int doesn't match type...

Given this migration: ```ruby class CreateFoos < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2] def change create_table :foos do |t| t.bigint :number t.references :user t.timestamps end add_index :foos, [:user_id, :number], unique: true end end ``` ####...

`PG::InternalError: ERROR: unknown variable: "timezone" (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) : SET SESSION timezone TO 'UTC'` This seems to be caused by the inherited-from `pg` code trying to set a variable named `timezone` on...

Lumping this all together as these are all improvements that just come with better support for the adapter. - [ ] Create a proper release process - [ ] Releasing...

Some of postgresql's default regexps used by activerecord are not going to work with cockroachdb, leaving the default values out of the `schema.rb` file.

Prevent AR from using features that are not yet supported by cockroachdb.

The old method was calling `AbstractAdapter#initialize` with a connection object, rather than a hash. This was then setting `@unconfigured_connection`, which in turns forced to re-run `#configure_connection` when a first query...