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CockroachDB adapter for ActiveRecord.

Results 73 activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter issues
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Your ruby gem activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter had a recent release to support rails 7.1. When using it, and the setting `use_follower_reads_for_type_introspection` = true, the error: "PG::FeatureNotSupported: ERROR: inconsistent AS OF SYSTEM TIME...

Allow to get the primary key in the default case. This fixes two of the four failing `test_pk_and_sequence_for*`. The two still failing are: ## `test_pk_and_sequence_for_returns_nil_if_no_pk` ```ruby def test_pk_and_sequence_for_returns_nil_if_no_pk with_example_table "id...

# Step 1, stackprof analysis Analysing with stackprof, we get the confirmation that test slowness comes from sql requests: ``` ================================== Mode: wall(1000) Samples: 86133 (0.01% miss rate) GC: 38...

Does this adpater support adding hash sharded index with bucket count Create INDEX ON table_name(column_name) USING HASH WITH (bucket_count = 2);

All of these tests are failing: - test_dump_foreign_key_targeting_different_schema - test_schema_dumping - test_schema_dumping_on_delete_and_on_update_options - test_schema_dumping_with_validate_false - test_schema_dumping_with_validate_true - test_schema_dumping_with_custom_fk_ignore_pattern I haven't verified for all of them, but for most the bug...

rails 7.1

There's an edge case where a virtual column referencing a column with default value is created, the virtual column returns `nil` if the user doesn't force model reloading (`#reload`). Test...

rails 7.1

Since rails 7.1, explain can take options. The issue is that both the name of options and the formatting is different between postgres and cockroach. As of now we...

rails 7.1

As of now we have the following error message: ``` unimplemented: cannot drop UNIQUE constraint "uniq_rails_1e07660b77" using ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT, use DROP INDEX CASCADE instead ``` It seems that...

rails 7.1