Hi @dhersz ! Thanks for the detailed description on this issue. I opened a [PR]( with a suggested solution. > Since parsing failure specific notices are present in the validation...
Tasks (timebox 2 days before checkpoint with the team): - [ ] Review documentation from #1703 - [ ] Develop architecture and share with the team
@emmambd -- It's about the amount of time it takes to validate the feed including parsing time. We could look into adding stats aboute the number of feeds with unparsable...
> @cka-y It looks like this original order is also affecting the actual HTML report (it's warning, info, error right now). I assume this would be a different issue -...
Tasks: - [x] Investigate the problem including checking java version - [ ] Add investigation results to story - [ ] Fix
Task: - [x] Retrieve statistics: how many times the desktop app has been ran in the last month? - [x] Create a dashboard in GCP logging
I have created a [PR]( a few days ago. The acceptance tests are failing. After analysis of this [test](, I found that the failure is due to the added time...
Needs MobilityData/mobility-feed-api#410 to be merged
Tasks: - [ ] Create or reuse release action to trigger [http cloud function ]( [note: has to be after web validator is updated & up and running]
Tasks: - [ ] Add tests to cover creation and retrieval of validation report