Results 166 comments of Matt Ellis

Could you provide more detail, please? This doesn't give me anything I can work with.

This is awesome, thanks! As you suggest, you can share a highlight between languages, by adding `VBASIC` to the `languages` parameter. Something like: ``` csharp // The same as "CSHARP,VBASIC"...

Hmm. This is an interesting one, because it might be that you're using a custom `SelectMany` extension method from another namespace, or even a custom operator, `DistinctIgnoringCase` or something. I...

I don't have any plans to fix this, sorry. The project I was using this for has switched to Jekyll, which means I don't need this plugin any more. Would...

.net 4.5 and 32 bit.

Yep. Best I could answer on my phone on my way out :) Did it work?

Well, seeing that I had this exact same exception message and fixed it with .net 4.5 and 32 bit, I'd say the answer is "yes" :laughing:

It looks like it's due to ContainerRegistrationAnalysisStageProcess re-analysing the whole solution for registrations in the constructor. This class is created for each file that's opened, or for each file in...

Do you have any links to more details about this? I'd like to be able to have a "Why is Rider suggesting this?" explanation page for this one. Do I...

No updates, sorry. Could you provide some more details about the allocator messages? How are those messages related to serialised fields?