Results 141 issues of Matt Ellis

I've got a utf-16 xml file that doesn't have a BOM. It looks like AutoFenc can't recognise this - the search for the `


Given a string like `CamelCaseMot{caret}ion`, and the text caret is at the position marker `{caret}`, then `vi\w`, `vi\e` and `vi\b` all have the same effect and select the `Motion` "word"....

If you load the TestApplication solution directly, opening any interfaces (such as ICommon.cs) throws an exception with a NullReferenceException, because the assembly in Windsor's FromAssemblyNamed method is trying to load...

Currently, the build process for the ReSharper extension happens as part of the (internal) TeamCity CI build. It will create artifacts for both the Rider (bundled) plugin and the `.nupkg`...

Provide validation + completion of tags of the `GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag` methods and friends

Add path completion for methods such as `Resources.Load("…")`

Given an auto property such as: ``` [field:SerializeField] public string UsageHotkey { get; private set; } ``` Rider/ReSharper will mark the setter as unused, because Unity will initialise the backing...

This PR fixes the following issues: - [x] Fix exception in Commit prefs page for default project - [DEXP-671465]( - [x] Fix occasional invalid source file exception - [DEXP-672670]( -...

The iOS-list-usb-devices helper app will poll for iOS USB devices when showing the "Attach to Unity Process" dialog. We currently have two builds, one that uses Rider's embedded .net core...

E.g. for the string name in `EditorGUIUtility.IconContent`. The trick would be to figure out a list of default resources for the current Unity version. This [Gist]( provides a dump of...