Results 44 comments of Claus Höfele

Would love to see this merged and part of an official release. Thanks

I have never tried to use the library in the context os scrolling. Thanks for the heads up.

Hi – did you implement both `mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:` and `mapClusterController:willReuseMapClusterAnnotation:`? The former is called when the annotation view is created and the latter when the annotation view is reused....

Hmm – have you compared this to the demo project in this repo? Does the sample in this repo show the same problem? Maybe you need to provide a sample...

I can also reproduce the problem with the example that comes with the repo. This is a new problem – it looks like iOS 10 changed something so that the...

Sorry, but I don't have time at the moment to look into this. Do you have an idea how to fix this? Thanks

I updated the sample code to read in 500 annotations synchronously in `viewDidLoad`. In this scenario, `CCHMapClusterOperation` gets called twice: once for a `setRegion` call and once for adding annotations....

Can you tell me a bit more about when you need to call `updateAnnotationsWithCompletionHandler:`? I would prefer not to expose this method, because the library should automatically update the clusters...

Does this only happen if the map type is `MKMapTypeHybrid` and you change the camera angle? Or does it happen in other ways as well? Not sure what's the problem...

About the issue in – how did you get the camera to show the map at a pitched angle? From the documentation: > If the map type is MKMapTypeSatellite...