Results 44 comments of Claus Höfele

I haven't heard back on this issue for a while. Did my suggestion work for you?

Does [this recipe]( help?

Sorry for the late reply. Might be a good idea to use `CCHMapClusterControllerZoomLevelForRegion` with a small delta to decide if the map has been zoomed. Would you mind creating a...

The code to select an annotation assumes that some zooming will happen anyway. I haven't worked on this behaviour for a while, so I don't know any workarounds

Thanks! I hoped to get this fixed for a while. It seems to work fine, but there's a problem with the outer cells: - In settings, enabled debug, choose "80000+...

The deselection is caused by [this line of code]( I included this because a cluster will change its content when zooming so I'm not sure how much point there is...

@tarbrain Have you seen [this API]( It will allow you to zoom in to an annotation and select it.

Using an `MKMapView` without clustering, callouts never disappear when zooming/panning. Since this is the default, my suggestion is to remove the call to `deselectAllAnnotations` in `mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated:`. The previous behavior, or...

When a cluster gets selected, you can keep a reference to the annotations in it and compare this information in `mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated:` to figure out if the cluster has changed. That's...

Both `addAnnotations:withCompletionHandler:` and `removeAnnotations:withCompletionHandler:` have completion handlers that are called when the update is finished.