Cedric Ziel

Results 95 issues of Cedric Ziel

With DoctrineMigrationsBundle, the schema changes will be loaded transparently through a schema listener so that users can apply the schema changes for AclBundle by simply diffing the schema.

This allows requiring the package on Symfony 4.x

This PR prepares the bundle for Symfony 4 and reduces the supported Symfony version range to the currently supported versions such as 3.4 (LTS) and 4.0 and up.

Don't merge yet. Needs some re-work. Fixes: #1037 Fixes: #993 Fixes: #1184

I was forced to create an issue. https://twitter.com/MarkusBlaschke/status/675325618532294657

# Request for comments: Add a syntax-element for controlling whitespace trimming Currently, the compiler adds a _lot_ of whitespace to the resulting templates, in a form that the amount of...

Twig allows rendering parent blocks: ```jinja {% block foo %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} ``` Can we have something like that?

When a UseImportOption maps a concrete class to an alias, the plugin should autocomplete on it. Example: ClassName is `TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\Inject`, alias is `inject`. What we need, is completion for lowercase...