Cedric Ziel

Results 95 issues of Cedric Ziel

Currently only icons that are provided by `IconRegistry` are added to the list of available icons. We should also index those defined in extensions' `ext_localconf.php` files.

Either use local png copies or split the source svg int multiple svg and use `IconUtil#svg2png` on them? Batik *should* also support rendering single glyphs from svg documents - but...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As a user, I want to use credentials in a transparent way, without having to transform them first. As such,...

For example `GET /api/myResource?limit=2&start=150&conditions={"name": {$regex: "foo"}} # where this of course is a encoded JSON object` Should be supported. Well; quite obvious that this would be a huge step. Over...