Cedric Ziel

Results 44 comments of Cedric Ziel

@xabbuh I updated the PR. I replaced all bash blocks with terminal ones so it's consistent.

Anything I could do to make this compliant?

I'm not entirely sure what happens here: Is there anyone that could assist? It seems the selenium grid or the webdriver dies randomly *and* there's a failure with the cookies.

So.. I think this one is ready. - Except for the docker build. There's a permission problem and I might need to look again at your changes to the MapsBundle...

This is due to a simple PSIReference that will only replace the references' `name` with the PSIFiles' name. To implement the behaviour, we should add a rename handler. Ref: https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/blob/147d6d0951ac64a231e89f7a1e334e2e2d80e2ea/src/main/java/fr/adrienbrault/idea/symfony2plugin/templating/TemplateReference.java#L15

@ccarstens is this still happening? We've had a similar problem over in https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-php-typo3-plugin and it disappeared somewhere in the 2017.3 platform.

Both rainbow brackets and the blade plugin are not provided by this plugin here. I think it's an issue that should be in the jetbrains tracker.

Looks kinda esoteric to me. Is that a common pattern?

Can't reproduce and this belongs to the jetbrains blade plugin.