Cedric Ziel

Results 44 comments of Cedric Ziel

Hi @koehnlein , this is by design. Maybe we should open up the indexing for the public folder again.

Minor achievement made: Table name completion is available for `foreign_table` and `allowed` array indexes now (v.0.2.9). Ref: https://github.com/cedricziel/idea-php-typo3-plugin/blob/f72ec2f971f9ecfefa14e84d817ff4a6aa550ea0/src/main/java/com/cedricziel/idea/typo3/util/TCAUtil.java#L11-L14

Yeah - I think it requires multi-level parsing. Once on the extension local config and second on the cached version of ext_localconf. The latter is, by nature, only available in...

Hmm, yes. Knowing the return type of the service locator is one half of the rent, as we say in germany, but more introspection is always better :) Sorry if...

That's a tough one, but I'll wrap my head around it :) My biggest fear are fluid path overlays where we need to interpret TypoScript, but that should be possible...

Sorry for the initial reporter, but I think it's better to lock this issue. This project is welcoming bugfixes and enhancements. It is just that I don't have any touchpoints...

My only guess is that it's related to the new JDK in the platform. Which Java Version are you using?

Thanks for the report. Not directly related, but good hint never the less! We should check for the callers' signature and verify it's actually ObjectManager being called..

Which one should be excluded?