Drini Cami

Results 143 issues of Drini Cami

One of the nice things about the google sign in button is that it requires only a single click. Let's add this button to the hamburger menu, so patrons can...

Type: Feature Request
Needs: Triage
Lead: @cdrini

Subtask of #4252 - [x] @cdrini + @cclauss Do a deploy 2021-12-09 so openlibrary/olbase is updated to latest configs - [ ] Fix: nginx stuck in restart loop with `nginx:...

Type: Subtask of Epic
Priority: 2
Affects: Configuration
Lead: @cdrini

ol-www1 hosts static files as well as the nginx that serves the main site. --- - [x] Provision the server - [x] @mekarpeles to ask for an replacement server to...

Type: Epic
Module: Docker
Type: Subtask of Epic
Priority: 2
Affects: Configuration
Lead: @cdrini

Note this is causing edits from the app to behave strangely / not show up (as is the case on testing.openlibrary.org) ### Stakeholders @bicolino34

Type: Subtask of Epic
Priority: 2
Lead: @cdrini

Add pre_commit to the gitpod environment ### Evidence / Screenshot (if possible) ### Relevant url? ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Go to ... 2. Do ... * Actual: * Expected:...

Type: Bug
Priority: 2
Lead: @cclauss

PRs part of this reindex: - [x] https://github.com/internetarchive/openlibrary/pull/6697 - [ ] https://github.com/internetarchive/openlibrary/pull/6264 - [ ] https://github.com/internetarchive/openlibrary/issues/3990 Cleanup: - [ ] Open PR removing refs to solr-next where applicable - [...

Affects: Admin/Maintenance
Module: Solr
1-off tasks
Priority: 2
Lead: @cdrini

## Description `style-scope` should not use the component name as a class, because it is common for that class name to be already in use. ## Motivation Currently, `style-scope` code...

Type: Feature
Focus Area: Standards & Polyfills

### Expected Behavior The media session button for previous/next track should be supported when playing a playlist. ### Actual Behavior Only information about the current song is portrayed ; the...

This line in a Windows block of _refactor.py references `sys`, but `sys` hasn't been imported: https://github.com/pleiszenburg/refuse/blob/38a960dc188fbf9847062774329ca5ee6abc2f44/src/refuse/_refactor.py#L71 Confirmed on my machine this allow `refuse` to find WinFSP.

Is it possible to reduce the permissions needed by the app? Since it only analyzes the currently open tab, it might be possible to change it to only access the...