Drini Cami

Results 99 comments of Drini Cami

Looking at VS code's internals, they do something like this for HTML: ```ts interface DocumentEventMap extends GlobalEventHandlersEventMap, DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap { "fullscreenchange": Event; "fullscreenerror": Event; "pointerlockchange": Event; "pointerlockerror": Event; "readystatechange": Event; "visibilitychange":...

Actually, `vue/no-mutating-props` is largely the vue-equivalent to https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-param-reassign ; there they have: - `no-param-reassign: ["error", { "props": false }]` as the default (modifying param props is ok) - `no-param-reassign: ["error",...

^ Updated title/description accordingly

@mheiman Could you provide a link to that book? Just in case it might be related to something specific about that, and other, records.

The tooltip might be invisible; but it still prevents clicking the forward button

Ohhhh, I see what you mean, they're fully missing on archive.org :( You should be able to see them here: https://lucid-poitras-9a1249.netlify.app/bookreaderdemo/demo-internetarchive.html?ocaid=adventuresofoli00dick#page/n14/mode/1up ; added to the repro steps.

No big filesize changes, but a lot of files touched. Would like to test this on older browsers so leaving until the demo apps work on older browsers.

This requires a jquery 1.12+ fn ; IA has 1.12.4 . Technically it says it needs jquery 1.8+, but our current version 1.12 technically requires jquery 1.7+ :P

Awesome, go for it, @ForgottenProgramme ! @Pyrojet99 can answer any questions :)

This is now ok, because archive.org uses jquery 3! Thanks to @traceypooh :)