Drini Cami

Results 143 issues of Drini Cami

To Reproduce: 1. Go to https://archive.org/details/sim_partisan-review_summer-1957_24_3/page/327/mode/1up?admin=1&q=%22SONNY%27S+BLUES%22 2. Switch tabs before the results loads 3. Wait for a little while 4. Go to the tab Expected: The search panel is open...


https://archive.org/details/masterpiecesofgr00furtuoft/page/110/mode/2up?ref=ol My guess would be this is because the text layer is using PageIndex instead of LeafIndex which is what it should switch to using. **Evidence / Screenshot (if possible)**...

If `#annotation:UID` in the URL - Rewrite to `annotation=UID` to work with our general fragment structure - Load hypothesis client and pass it the UID - e.g. `#annotation:EWrpXjxHEe6rD5t1CHIRCA` - Our...

Support adding `#page=NN` URLs (as defined by [BookReader Fragment Spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W6O_ASPOouMo_-USp9S0OCt9MGhIxG8eJe2eyA8CCuU/edit#heading=h.dlsvsoigqgb4)) - Adding `#page=NN` at any time should trigger a page change - Backwards compatible with old BookReader fragments

- The core "book" element that contains all the pages should be labelled as `.BRdocument` and have a `data-uri` attribute - Every page through all views should feature a `data-page="17/leaf16"`...

Flipping the page can cause a jitter where both the entering and exiting pages are visible. **Stakeholders** @mheiman


Because 2up is no entirely rendered using css transforms, everything in the 2up space is affected by the users zoom level. This includes the page numbers in the tooltip. We...

It's unclear when/how it happens, but it seems to stop working sometimes. **Stakeholders** @pezvi


Browser: Samsung Internet