[graphene-django-optimizer](https://github.com/tfoxy/graphene-django-optimizer) could be an alternative to dataloader. It has to be refactored in order to work with v3 though. For example ist uses the following imports to analyse the query:...
@patrys thanks for your response! Maybe i shouldn't have compared it to dataloader as my knowledge of the data loader approach is limited. My team also uses `graphene-django-optimizer`. I would...
I prepared a CodeSandbox but it seems their template for react doesn't support IE11 either.. The Dropdowns on the [Example page](https://react-bootstrap.github.io/react-overlays/#dropdown) don't work in IE11 (they wont even open when...
CodePen does not work in IE 11 for me: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/YodGwR#anon-login
From the stack trace it looks like the f-string is in _uawidgets_ In the master branch there is no f-string in tree_widgets.py: https://github.com/FreeOpcUa/opcua-widgets/blob/master/uawidgets/tree_widget.py How can that be?
I'm having this issue too. The tooltip circles were introduced here: https://github.com/borisyankov/react-sparklines/commit/f1dbc9ea65b7a6c5653da997328ddc2b31e10850#diff-9781cfc177343ee1017e63e5e715f2eb Shouldn't they only be visible on hover? The tooltip circles could also be made optionally with a new...