opcua-client-gui copied to clipboard
Error by OPCUA-Client command after installing all packages
Hi, I am trying to make raspberry pi 3 as client to visualize my data. At the final step after installing opcua and opcua-client i cannot run the opc-ua client.
It is showing invalid syntax. I am using Python 3.5.3. Is the syntax different. I am stuck. Could someone please help
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ opcua-client
pyqtgraph or numpy are not installed, use of graph feature disabled
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/opcua-client", line 7, in
Do you have all dependencies such s PyQT 5?
This is a python 3.6 that went in.... F-string is 3.6
Do you have all dependencies such s PyQT 5?
Thank you zerox1212. Yes I have installed PyQT5. It went succesfully.
This is a python 3.6 that went in.... F-string is 3.6
Thank you oroulet. But my version is Python 3.5.3. Should I update my python in raspberry pi to 3.6?
Yes, you need python 3.6 or higher.
From the stack trace it looks like the f-string is in uawidgets In the master branch there is no f-string in tree_widgets.py: https://github.com/FreeOpcUa/opcua-widgets/blob/master/uawidgets/tree_widget.py How can that be?
He uses the released version and I probably fixed master
Hi. I edited the tree_widget.py, so that it can run on python 3.5. Then it functioned. Thank you everyone for the help
@JacksonJoy hi, i also have some problem about in raspberry pi 3+. how did you edit your tree_widget.py. I try to upgrade python 3.6 and i can not resolve that problem. can you give me some comment?
Replacing all the occurrences of (f" with (" in uawidgets/tree_widget.py allows to run it fine with Python 3.5.
For example
raise ValueError(f"Node {node} not found in tree")
should become
raise ValueError("Node {node} not found in tree")
While installing OPCUA connector kafka I am getting this error I have attached. I tried searching on google but could not find anything to solve the error. Could anyone please help :) Thanks in advance.
I encountered with same issue. Resolved by running following commands.
sudo apt install pyqt5-dev-tools pyqt5-dev
If still doesn't work try below too:
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5