Casey Rodarmor

Results 497 issues of Casey Rodarmor

It might be desirable to include MIME types for all files in the manifest. MIME types would make it easy to serve a release's contents to a web browser, without...


Currently, release binaries for linux are `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`. I would like to also ship `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` binaries, so that a packager doesn't have to build from source if they'd prefer to ship...


Announce URLs are serialized as `String`, instead of `Url`. I'm not sure why I do this, since `Url` supports serde with the `serde` feature enabled. I'm inclined to start serializing...


Many features are gated on the basic design of the Intermodal manifest. So let's get started on it right away. ## Desiderata - Allow integrity checking. Given a manifest, an...


[BEP 19]( - [ ] Allow users to populate the `url-list` metainfo key - [ ] Check that the server at a URL is correctly serving webseed requests

good first issue

- [ ] `imdl torrent edit` - [ ] allow editing source files - [ ] set `info.entropy`. - [ ] Check out for inspiration - [ ] --dry-run...


Using `fixup!` is not ideal, because when squashing with `fixup!`, git expects the rest of the commit summary after `fixup!` to match a previous commit. Ideally: - It should be...


I opened a PR on ripgrep to add a `filter_entry` method to `ignore::WalkBuilder`. Once that lands we can go back to filtering files hidden by attribute on MacOS. An...


Currently, `imdl tracker link` prints a magnet link with all the trackers in the metainfo. In order to allow users to generate a magnet link with additional trackers, it should...


A friend recommended `wixl`, which comes with [msitools]( I think that this would mainly involve creating the XML package description, installing wixl during the GitHub actions run on Windows, building...

good first issue