Casey Rodarmor

Results 498 issues of Casey Rodarmor

Once the manifest format is designed and basic support is implemented (#321), we should add functionality to verify releases. Verification can mean a few things: - Verifying that a manifest...


Once the manifest format is designed and implemented (#321) we can add functionality to check an intermodal release for damage. We should support this via an `intermodal check` command.


Once the manifest format (#321) is figured out, we can include a timestamp in releases using Open Timestamps. Since OT timestamps are included in the Bitcoin blockchain, this allows you...


I should sign release binaries. However, the binaries are produced on GitHub actions, and I have no way to verify that the build was completed faithfully. The best way to...


The Netlify CLI has an amazing variety of progress bars and spinners. It would be cool to copy that. The spinners are from this sweet library: It's a JSON...


The main novel feature of Intermodal is expected to revolve around machine readable metadata manifests which enable a better user experience than existing content networks. I'd like to have sufficient...


The man page in `man/imdl.1` is generated from `imdl`'s `--help` string using `help2man`. It is incomplete at the moment. It should be replaced with a man page generated from the...


It should be possible to create a torrent file from a magnet link. This will require connecting to the DHT and/or peers given in the link with `&`, downloading, and...

good first issue

Currently, an issue with the way that the rust test harness captures standard error and standard output interferes with `env_logger`'s ability to print styled output. This means that we can...


I'm noticing a common pattern with metainfo property flags to `imdl torrent create`. Many flags are concerned with setting a metainfo property (`--source`), avoiding setting a property, (`--no-creation-date`), or similar....
