Casey Rodarmor

Results 283 comments of Casey Rodarmor

Ah, sorry, I should have been more precise, I was referring to an option to use backticks for codeblocks when dumping a parsed tree as CM, since parsing fenced codeblocks...

I hacked together a super-gross regex-based solution for my original use case, so until it falls apart, I probably won't be able to get to this.

Actually, I'm not entirely certain this is so useful. I was able to relatively cleanly add testing to my own project, so I don't have a strong use case for...

Hmm, it's been a while since I wrote the tests. I think that I had an option to force color, regardless of if we were printing to a terminal, so...

I updated casey/dotbot-user-study with a summary of the results. It may be of interest when figuring out what people are doing with dotbot and designing 2.0.

This could be implemented using multi-document YAML streams using the '---' delimiters, to keep it pure YAML: ``` link-defaults: force: true shell-defaults: stdout: true --- - link: ~/.vimrc: vimrc -...

@aykamko Yeah, YAML is pretty slick ^_^ JSON config files could be easily supported by splitting the document on `---` lines, and then passing the chunks to the JSON parser....

What use case were you thinking of? Since most people use dotbot to install config files in repositories, and it's easy to get dotbot via submodules (or the mercurial equivelant...

That's awesome to hear! I'l be looking forward to it.

Having the code be out-of-line doesn't bother me so much, so I think I still prefer keeping it in Rust vs adding Python. That being said, I don't feel super...