
Results 20 comments of Adam

A sketch for the mpu9250 for the esp32 using the Madgwick and/or Mahony filters

I managed to get this one of yours to work Though its not written specifically for the esp32. I wonder how this compares to the sensor fusion hub output?

Outstanding:) Any increases in accuracy if I was to use the floating point available on the esp32? Preferring this for the moment over the bno55.

Right Calibration. Any tips to calibration using the code version I used?

Hmm, compiling that seems to give me a bunch of problems with the librarys..any hints?

more todo with the ESP8266WebServer.h: and queue.h..file not found..even though I copied in those libs

got as far as commenting out the offending temperature and pressure compiles but no sensor readings updating ax = 0.00 ay = 0.00 az = 0.00 mg gx =...

shamefully one from china, BNO055 SW Revision ID: 3.11 ![gy-bno055-9dof-9-axis-bno055-absolute-orientation-imu-ahrs-breakout-sensor-accelerometer-gyroscope-triaxial-geomagnetic](

ok now that makes sense:) I had thought for some reason the hardware values were not fusion values. and yeah the board is ugly and Im not even sure what...

I like the TPS82140. I was thinking of running a 3s battery into it and then hopefully thats all I would need for the power side or do I need...