Cara Delia
Cara Delia
Thanks for sharing this @leonardpahlke. Let's add to our agenda for discussion during next meeting on Wed Oct 5.
Created a Doodle poll: and sent out today to #tag-environmental-sustainability in Slack. Will also send vial mailing list.
@mkorbi @leonardpahlke As this seems to be moving to a project, we will need to have a project template for.
@mkorbi @leonardpahlke I am going to add this an agenda item to discuss at next week's meeting. I like the idea of this project, but without meeting the basic criteria...
@ColinEberhardt this is a great idea for a SIG. With seeing full support from the Zenith SIG, I see no issues.
👋 Cara Delia / Red Hat
Cara Delia, Red Hat