Calvin Juárez

Results 47 comments of Calvin Juárez

@matthew-dean, correct me if I’m wrong about any of these answers. Multiple: No. `.js` assumed: Yes. Remote URI: No. `_` add/remove: No.

Another resource:

This is another issue that could possibly be addressed by having a PostCSS UI in CodeKit. (The others are #570 and #306.)

It seems that UnCSS is using PostCSS now:

Very +1 for @seanCodes' suggestion.

Or to the post-processing options, like Autoprefixer. In fact, since you can [use cssnext as a PostCSS plugin]( (like Autoprefixer) and since cssnext includes Autoprefixer, it may not be too...

This would be nice to have. I've looked for it a time or two.