Calvin Juárez

Results 47 comments of Calvin Juárez

# Or Even just some way to make it so if a variable isn't defined, it just replaces the Kit comment with an empty string. For example: ### page.kit ```...

The answer given by @bdkjones on issue #6: > Yep. This is on deck for implementation.

_CodeKit 2.2 (18493) on OS X Yosemite 10.10.2_ I'm seeing this issue, too. Here's how I replicated. **root.kit** ``` kit ``` → **root.html** ``` html ``` How the variable is...

Yeah, I don't know that I've ever done this myself; I was just able to replicate the issue. Since it's unexpected behavior, it seemed worth looking at.

What version of Less are you currently running? Some versions of 3.0 had a bug that would fail to load some plugins properly. If you'd like to add `.browserslistrc` support,...

I'm with @Ciantic, there needs to be an easier way to get to Less from a plugin.

Sass + source maps (including loading existing maps)