Results 207 comments of Christoph Anton Mitterer

> I think the proposed _comp_return_hook is an interesting and powerful idea that can be used for general customization although I tend to avoid traps as traps have some non-trivial...

> I'm not sure how you define the complexity, but if we would accept, say, one hundred similar suggestions with 60 lines of well-documented descriptions in the manual, it would...

> Are you suggesting adding the above line at the end and the beginning (with return being replaced by start) of all the ~70 functions of bash_completion? No, I'd only...

Just for the records: I think doing this properly will be very difficult. I'd guess problems like that don't show up only for files containing newlines, but also for other...

Actually, one part of a way to fix this, could be to "simply" use shell escaped strings for any completions that contain weird characters. Some tools, like e.g. GNU’s `ls`...

Indeed you're right. I was just looking at the occurrence of `filenames` in `/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion` and once I've found it, didn't think about the possibility of 3rd party completions. Reported the...

Hey again. This time I might have found a real occasion ;-) If I have set -u and a command like: `find ../new/ -type f -printf '%f\n' | while IFS=''...

I think I might have found another case: ``` scp someKnownHostname:fo bash: $1: unbound variable ``` also fails for me, when I try to `complete` the remote pathnames.

Should I ask the maintainer of complete-alias whether he'd consider to merge it into bash-completion?

btw: Should this ever be finished, or someone know some other opensource decoder for MQA, than it would be nice if note could be given to .