Results 207 comments of Christoph Anton Mitterer

btw: Is it forseen in the code that... whatever the domains do when they initially register... they retry this when it fails? Or is there something like a test, whether...

I've repeatedly restarted some currently unused pools until the issue was triggered (needed only two restarts ^^): ``` # check_compare_core_domains_routing_tables core0 core1 core2 CRITICAL: Routing tables of core domains differ....

Anything further I can do here? btw: It's really great that we can look into this issue... but for that there is a good workaround... much more pressing would be...

Some still have a known path (most some not): ``` 0000A22AC134571B432E9EA268AAFA5B5D09 (3) CacheException(rc=10011;msg=path [0000A22AC134571B432E9EA268AAFA5B5D09] does not exist) from pathfinder 0000CAA7754C7C304E4E950DAC4AF680C301 (3) CacheException(rc=10011;msg=path [0000CAA7754C7C304E4E950DAC4AF680C301] does not exist) from pathfinder 00001C6352584FE6471391EE3BA44D2128C2 (3)...

Trying again today, e.g.: ``` [dCache0] (PnfsManager@filesystem) admin > cacheinfoof 00009E9BB8A100344C929F12D8E7D6243FA5 cacheinfoof failed: path [00009E9BB8A100344C929F12D8E7D6243FA5] does not exist [dCache0] (PnfsManager@filesystem) admin > pathfinder 00009E9BB8A100344C929F12D8E7D6243FA5 (3) CacheException(rc=10011;msg=path [00009E9BB8A100344C929F12D8E7D6243FA5] does not exist)...

Would it be possible to make the CA path/file configurable for `telemetry`? And perhaps a better error message would be nice, too :-)

Ah... okay... I had hoped it could be made configurable via one like the other ca-path options e.g. as for gplazma or so. But if not... I guess we can...

Shouldn't one use such extremely short names like "gi" only for the most basic/common/important tools? joe is a great tool, but I don't feel it qualifies for such a short...

It would have been much better to leave the Qt applet as is, until other solutions are available in all distributions. Right now and for it's probable main purpose (desktop...

Anything new on this?