Results 207 comments of Christoph Anton Mitterer

Oh and some more about `_comp_array_filter()` which are however not really part of evaluation but rather just matter of personal taste, I guess: - I probably wouldn't even off the...

Now for the other functions: > > > These were clear before... You rightly assume that I got mostly scared by: > (and also by the...

> > BASH_COMPLETION_FINALIZE_CMD_HOOKS and BASH_COMPLETION_FINALIZE_HOOKS are always set, even if the feature isn't used at all... would be nice if that could be avoided > Maybe. Preparing the default (empty)...

Bash language discussion > What do you mean? The above line in the code is unrelated to the protection from external readonly variables. I got the wrong line of code,...

> Thanks, I have updated the descriptions and the error message. e5ccbd7 That reads a bit unusual... exit statuses should be all other ones, so either `Any other exit...

> If you want to track the upstream definition, you may use the approach mentioned in #720 (comment). That would of course work, too.

> It's technically possible by giving all the functions the trace attribute or by running Bash in the debug mode (extdebug or functrace), but I don't think it is a...

The following is a (it seems) working proof-of-concept... main problem is that it's terribly slow. Adding that to `_known_hosts_real()`: ```shell i=${#COMPREPLY[@]} if [ -f ~/.bcexlusion ]; then while [ $i...

Okay I think I found something to speed this up considerably: ```shell if [ -f ~/.bcexlusion ]; then COMPREPLY=( $( printf '%s\n' ${COMPREPLY[@]} | grep -E -v -f ~/.bcexlusion 2>/dev/null...

@scop Perhaps you could have a look at this... * Would you accept such functionality as a patch? * How should configuration happen? For the latter I could imagine to...