Results 207 comments of Christoph Anton Mitterer

Just one idea for the records... Imagine, one does weekly full backup, e.g. on Mondays and one wants a retention policy like: `4d 3w 2m` (also taking Monday as start...

A 2nd idea, that build right on the previous example: Assume we'd conclude, that the incremental is in fact cheaper (in terms of space). Then we'd now have: - 4...

Nice... how does it come that this seems so much smaller in terms of of code than cykerway/complete-alias?

Any expectation whether and when any of this might get merged?

> As for _comp_xfunc_ARRAY_filter, I honestly think it is not needed for bash-completion, though we might think of creating a separate Bash library that contains the function. But I guess...

I have the same problem. The reason seems to be that after importing, Grafana somehow rewrites the dashboard’s `DS_PROMETHEUS` variable to some fixed data source,... and it also shows the...

I also found but not sure whether this really solves anything.

For me, this fixes the issue. At least it seems so. (Ignore 65e38a6... I had only fetched the current upstream `master` and forgot to merge it when I branched off)....

Guess this one here can be closed with your PR?

Hey @DaanDeMeyer. Do you happen to know the commit where this was changed? Also, what do you mean by "keep using the URLs"? That `https` will be enough to trust...