
Results 19 issues of calebmkim

Main tasks - [ ] Start generating more kernels through TVM Need to decide a) which other kernels to use besides lenet (probably VGG 16 and SqueezeNet but we need...

Type: Tracker

In the fud folder, if you haven't manually created a .config folder, then there it says there is no .config/fud file that exists and throws an error. In order to...

Type: Bug
Comp: Fud

Currently, `infer-share` does not detect `foo` as shareable. ``` component foo() -> () { cells { lt = std_lt(32); r = std_reg(32); w = std_reg(32); } wires { comb group...

C: Calyx
Status: Needs Triage

Since we know that every group _must_ have a `group[done] = ...` assignment, the `ir::Builder::add_group()` function should take arguments for the group's done condition. In fact, it may even be...

Status: Available
good first issue
C: Internal

Currently, there are two big overlaps between Dominator Map and TDCC The first is the labeling of control statement with "ID" attributes. The main difference is that Dominator Map currently...

Status: Needs Triage
C: calyx-opt

Discussed this in meeting w/ @rachitnigam today. Was told to tag @sampsyo as well. The basic idea for this pass is that, for each child C of a Seq, we...

Comp: Calyx
Status: Available

The Tiny Yolo [V3]( model, for example has very specific python code needed to preprocess the image. I was wondering if there is something equivalent for Tiny Yolo V2. (Sorry...


Over the process of trying to convert Onnx models to Calyx code, I've run into a few issues. Some of them are rather minor and I've tried to just work...

Currently, we have a tool in tools/data_gen which can generate a json file of memories from a .futil file. #1003 gives the tool the power to generate just unsigned, 32-bit...

Comp: Calyx
Status: Available

We have already seen that manually separating Calyx files with a seq of (for example) 20 invokes, into 20 separate Calyx files with one invoke each, can dramatically speed up...