Miao Cai
Miao Cai
Hi Ben, I tried the 500th example of `stan_demo`, but it seems not to be working. I ran the code from RStudio cloud. Here are my codes: ``` library(RStan) stan_demo()...
The AHRQ just updated their weighting system for the Elixhauser comorbidity index in 2017. You may want to include it into this "icd" package. I believe this will not be...
Hi Clément, Thanks for creating and maintaining this great repo. I'm a biostatistician working on environmental epidemiology (meaning that I'm new to machine learning and my questions may be naive),...
This is actually a question rather than an issue. I also tried other AutoML frameworks such as `AutoGluon` and `H2O AutoML`, which both have functions producing a leader board (roc_auc,...