Miao Cai
Miao Cai
> Same issue. I still have the same problem here for haven package.
> A somewhat easier/straightforward variation on @kmiddleton 's workaround is to use `$\\overset{x}{y}$` as in latex2exp's homepage [examples]($%5Coverset%7BCarbonate%7D%7Bfraction%5C,modern%7D$). Thank you! This work around works for me, is there a good...
This offset problem still exists in the current version of `rstanarm`: ```{r} require(rstanarm) fit = stan_gamm4(carb ~ gear + s(mpg), offset = log(disp), family=poisson(), data = mtcars, chains = 1,...
Hi Clément, Thank you! This helps a lot. One more question is the step on data generation after fitting the model. I notice that the example in the official manual...
Hi Clément, Thanks for your help in generating samples. This is very useful! For generating disentangled data, I'm not sure if I fully understand issue #78. Let me try to...
Hi Clément, Thanks a lot for the comment. Yes this works. One additional question I have is how do I gain insights into the relationship between the original data and...
I notice that there is already an R package for implementing transfer learning: [glmtrans](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmtrans/). I'm not sure if this would make incorporating transfer learning in `tidymodels` a bit easier.
Hi Julia, Thank you for this great tutorial! I found it to be super useful. But I have a small issue with reproducing the `tune_grid` code. ``` > rf_grid
Great! That works for me. Thank you!