Colin Clark

Results 254 comments of Colin Clark

Fifteen years later, and you are still using GqView/Geeqie.... The originator of this project is listed in that link. Unfortunately I assume that it would be John Ellis, RIP. You...

This does work in icon view, but as stated not in list view.

I looked at a couple of sample .ARW files from, which seem ok. If you select a file in Geeqie and then open `Plugins/Export jpeg` you should see a...

Sorry, I just noticed that you are using v1.4 which does not have that plugin. Download the attached file and make it executable. Use `Edit/Configure plugins/New` to create a new...

I can't replicate this behaviour. Could you close Geeqie and open `$HOME/.config/geeqie/geeqierc.xml` in an editor. Ensure that at the end of the file there is only one layout section, and...

The action `File/Print` prints all selected images. When full-screen or right-clicking on the main image pane should the action be to print all selected images or a single image?

> This is a different issue..... I think this is because of the sort order in the files pane. There is no manual sort order for the files pane, so...

> If the command: geeqie --list a b c is executed, I would expect the Collection window to open with the files in the listed order, with a selected, and...

There are two commits which might affect this: Selected files may now be traversed either in an end-to-end manner or in a circular manner (as previously). The option is in...

`Display exif information does not work` is fixed in c89ac7a