Colin Clark

Results 254 comments of Colin Clark

[ While looking at this problem I see that when tools are floating, the image window is anchored on the top left corner - unless the image is wider than...

Do you have librsvg2-common installed?

If librsvg2-common is installed, librsvg2-2 should also be installed - and the image should be displayed. That it does not is puzzling. Perhaps you could try running a Geeqie AppImage...

Also from a terminal window execute `find /usr -name gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders` Execute that file - it will list all the file types the pixbuf loader can handle - svg should be...

Is this the only .svg file that does not display? Does the status line show that the file is loaded - i.e. shows `(12988 x 1089) 261,217 bytes` ? If...

I have changed the background colour to purple, and set "Fit image to window". The attached screenshot is the result I get. Do you same the same effect or is...

Would you try this - go to `Edit/Preferences/Image` and select `Use GPU Acceleration` Then restart Geeqie

I cannot replicate this fault. What happens if you use an absolute path e.g. `geeqie /tmp`?

I cannot replicate this. The menu item `Select/Mark ` will show the allocated keystroke in grey. The menu item `Help/Keyboard Map` also shows the allocated keys. This image shows the...