Colin Clark

Results 178 comments of Colin Clark

As a first step could you rename `$HOME/.config/geeqie/geeqierc.xml` and re-run Geeqie This will start Geeqie with all default configuration values.

When the problem occurs, from another terminal execute `ps -e | grep geeqie` How many instances are running? Open `Edit/Preferences/Windows` and select `Show Window IDs`. Re-start Geeqie. What are the...

If there are any files in the folder `$HOME/.config/geeqie/layouts/` please delete them.

Can you find which geeqie.desktop file is being used, and what the Exec line is? [ The lack of window IDs is a feature/bug. They are not displayed until an...

If, as above, you open two geeqie windows from two terminals then open a third terminal and execute `geeqie -r `. The should be opened in one of the existing...

In Thunar, if you right-click an image and select Properties you will see which program is being used. You may find there is more than one entry for geeqie in...

Geeqie looks at the contents of folders (as does, for example, a file manager), so when the user puts a filename on the command line the folder is opened, the...

> keep only the one with highest resolution. I assume that you are referring to sorting on the Dimensions column in the Dupes window. To compute sharpness only for the...

This problem exists in Geeqie in general - using the keyboard to move between panes is really unclear. It should be possible to set a focus chain (but gtk_container_set_focus_chain() is...

Maybe this can be left as an open feature request. The focus chain is on my "list-of-things-to-do-that-will-never-get done". Actually, the unclear focus chain of the main window does annoy me.