Brian Chirls

Results 25 issues of Brian Chirls

Chrome is reporting the following warning in the console: > document.origin is deprecated and will be removed in M70, around October 2018. Please use self.origin (window.origin) instead [Reference]( The code...


The `registerClass` method uses the name of a constructor function to generate a hash key, which is in turn used to encode and decode data for serialization/deserialization. However, that name...

All of the setter methods on the renderers (e.g. `setChannelMap`, `setRotationMatrix3`) do nothing if they are called before the `initialize` promise resolves. There is no warning or error, and this...

Since fitting large data sets can take quite a long time, it would be useful to be able to save the state to disk or elsewhere in memory so computation...

Hi, thanks for this very helpful library. I found a few issues with the type annotations: 1. `uniformBlockSpec` is mis-typed as `uniformBlockSpace` on `ProgramInfo` [Here]( This shows up as an...

If I try to run one of the 0.2.0 examples in IE11, I get this error when building tiles start to load: "Operative: No callback has been passed. Assumed that...

Sometimes it doesn't pass the first time you run it. Usually passes the second time. Never the same error twice. Sometimes properties missing, sometimes other random tests. It doesn't make...

In my experiments with Vizicities and the Blueprint API, I've come upon the need for modifying the way data flows between inputs and outputs. I might, for example, want to...

When the map view is moved and the `BlueprintHelperTileGrid` emits a "moved" event, `BlueprintOutputBuildingTiles` clears out all its meshes before loading up the new ones. This causes most of the...

Mapzen provides building data at different zoom levels with varying degrees of detail. It'd be great if buildings in the distance could be loaded and rendered at lower detail levels...