Brian Chirls

Results 25 issues of Brian Chirls

Right now, the best you can do is to remove the output's object from the scene. But that's not universal and may not be available or applicable. And even if...

`BlueprintHelperTileGrid` emits a "move" event in `onMouseUp`, causing `BlueprintOutputBuildingTiles` to trigger "gridUpdated". In the example, this in turn causes the input to request more tiles from the server. But, as...

Requested by @alvarobyrne in #89


- Use grunt.js - Separate out packaged transforms - Minify with uglify.js or Google Closure Compiler - Run unit tests on command line - Run jshint and unit tests before...


Firefox has a new [MediaDevices API]( to replace the legacy `navigator.getUserMedia`, which will presumably be deprecated eventually. Also, Firefox's media constraints format is incompatible with Chrome's, which is obsolete. So...


Sometimes large compositions with multiple scenes can cause problems running on devices without great GPU resources, like a mobile phone/tablet. For example, when running [this piece]( on a MacBook Air,...


Requested by @positlabs in #93, for creating feedback loops and for feeding output back into nodes as sort of an "undo" function. The algorithm for tracing back through the network...


Currently, it is possible to build a single shader shared by all node instances of a given effect, so we don't have to create a new, identical copy for each...


Don't load that whole big mess if you don't need it. I'm gonna wait until we have a proper build tool for this.
