Brian Chirls

Results 75 comments of Brian Chirls

I definitely agree that hard-coding is bad. And I'm currently playing around with driving things like sky, ground and lights by data, so there's certainly a use case for that....

I need to run my own render pass so I can do post-processing effects like SSAO. I'm also looking into deferred lighting and stuff like that. As for the scene...

If you want the buildings to all be the same color, you shouldn't need to modify any of the Vizicities code. This feature was add in pull request #106. In...

+1 for this idea. I was showing my VR demo to someone the other day and they commented that San Francisco doesn't look anything like real San Francisco when it's...

Here's a good article on webgl terrain rendering for inspiration.

Sorry, I should clarify that this is with the 0.2.0 branch. See examples/basic-example/index.html

Definitely a smart move, since 0.2.0 is a complete rewrite and not at all compatible.

This is a huge optimization point for #57. Loading data is the single biggest thing slowing down the frame rate, since copying all that data from the XHR happens on...

Caching is a great idea, but this is a different problem. I'm talking about buildings that are unloaded from the GPU even when they are still needed. The code as...

By the way, I have a working implementation that tracks which tiles will be needed after the move, only removes the ones that won't be needed and only requests new...