Christopher Hiller

Results 432 comments of Christopher Hiller

@ivankravets I was able to compile a project and flash an Oak (using Particle OTA) using PlatformIO with my forks of [framework-arduinoespressif8266](/boneskull/framework-arduinoespressif8266) and [platform-espressif8266](/boneskull/platform-espressif8266). I co-opted the `upload_port` setting in...

(Currently, the Oak toolchain in my fork only works on Mac)

As much as I'd love to offer to take over maintenance of karma-mocha, we barely have enough resources to manage our own code. At the risk of broaching a sensitive...

@dignifiedquire Hmm. Are they just no longer interested in Karma?

Upon `npm install` in a working copy, I'm seeing: ``` The WebdriverIO team is aware of the following reported vulnerabilities. These do not impact packages used by users. Please help...

(though, if I had a suggestion: call out the _specific_ ignorable vulns in the message)

I'm interested in this. Right now, this works fine: ```js expect(() => foo.emit('bar'), 'to emit from', foo, 'bar'); ``` I'm thinking this is actually more of a natural sentence, however:...

I also have a use case where I want to provide a common config stored in a separate Node.js module. I can't set `NODE_PATH` by walking up to the desired...

yes, thanks--that's another workaround, and I've had to do similar things for other tools. I was hoping to eliminate the boilerplate altogether--though *reducing* it is better than nothing!