BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

Results 103 comments of BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

@ziloka awesome. I see tests failed because they were testing aiodns. Would you mind update those tests to dnspython too? BTW, can also add 3.11.0 into CI test python version....

hi @mcgr0g thanks for the big patch. I might need some time to review it. lol @hms5232 @ziloka @afunTW @vincentinttsh would you like to take a look?


@anon88391 the fix was based on your suggestion. I don't have Windows machines for decades, and as you do and suggestions that, I applied it.

Seems like aiodns' back in the game

@ziloka I just fixed the error in the unit test and dumped dependencies. Not sure about windows support.

The `pre-commit` git hook might be another way. Call the Poetry `export` command every time they make new commits. But it might require an existing working `poetry` installed in $PATH....

hi @hms5232 , still waiting for your PR hahaha

@hms5232 ok cool, sounds great