BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

Results 103 comments of BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

@hms5232 If 1.3 might take a while to release, maybe we should go for 1.2 first.

Are we ready to be Poetry-only? @hms5232 @afunTW @vincentinttsh @ziloka ref: - -

might also need to update README too if we do.

@hms5232 go! go! power rangers!

Seems that we have everything settled and can close the issue?

hi @ziloka , basically just write code, test it, and ensure the result passes code quality checks and all the tests. When a PR is created, some auto testing process...

@hms5232 sure why not. It'd be awesome.

@a5r0n migrating to poetry would be nice 👍