BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

Results 103 comments of BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

@LVeach if you still have the same issue, please paste your steps and the output of `functions start` debug info, so they can help you further. :-)

@coulix My projects use node 8 and node 10 in local test environments and they work fine, so don't worry. :smiley: At the time you post comment, the latest commit...

@coulix did you try `npm i @google-cloud/[email protected]` ? AFAIK, and as replied in and other comments listed in that comment, **DON'T install from this git repo directly** until @grant...

@coulix can you provide a demo repo to reproduce your issue? I think that would help people on investigating where the problem is.

@coulix I've checked the repo you provide and followed your steps, it installed **1.0.0-beta.6**. You can check it by `$ cat node_modules/@google-cloud/functions-emulator/package.json |grep version` which shows ` "version": "1.0.0-beta.6",`. The...

I just realized that what mentioned in is that the **new** beta.6 doesn't break things. So it's ok to have beta.6 installed. Sorry for misunderstanding you @grant @coulix I've...

I use express.js and I experienced lots of `Function worker killed by signal: SIGTERM` too during `firebase serve`. It seem to be happened randomly, I need to keep trying Ctrl-C...

用 cgroup 應該可以限制 cpu/memory 使用量?


Point a way and we're happy to help on translating to our native language. (I am, at least)