Adam Carlin
Adam Carlin
First of all, thanks so much for vigil. I have tried so many alternatives and vigil is the only one that works consistently and works best. I do have a...
How are they dealt with? Looking at for example doesn't show any setting for it. Would it be possible to add one considering states it could hang indefinitely?
I noticed since we've been including arm binaries for Linux. The latest release doesn't have one anymore. Happy to compile myself but wondering why the change to not include....
I can not get app bot to work. In the logs it shows this... `octoprint.plugins.Octoslack - ERROR - Error in Slack Web API event loop, Error: invalid_auth` However if I...
Should investigate API available for looking up song lyrics and movie/tv info. I've seen a few out there so lets add another lookup. Recommendations are welcomed.
There are other options out there and I don't want to enforce only a few. So let's investigate and if anybody has any recommendations let me know. Currently the way...
Wasn't expecting this to get bigger than I anticipated so I need to write up some tests.