Blaise Kal

Results 19 comments of Blaise Kal

I just found this closed issue: Still, I think it would be useful if this was in the README.

I would really like to see a changelog as well, it would allow me to check if there are any backwards incompatible changes or relevant bug fixes in a new...

I believe you can do this yourself, see for instructions.

~I consider private relay unlikely to be related as I believe it only applies to browsing with Safari.~ it is related Error 103 means that Ace Stream server cannot retrieve...

You're right, I shouldn't have relied on a short marketing text which mentioned only Safari. I did some testing with private relay in [a new version]( I'm working on. Private...

I believe as a user you'd have to select files or a directory using a "Browse..."-like interface. This is a very different approach than the file name pattern approach currently...

@TiddlyTweeter it is a web extension, it uses the api.

I just ran into an issue related to this. I was expecting `` to match `input:enabled`, but it didn't match because of cssselect's implementation does not match [the spec](

In our project, it would also be great to be able to configure the Mustache tags. PyCharm detects Mustache as being Django template tags, so we changed the Mustache tags...

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