Blaise Kal

Results 10 issues of Blaise Kal

Any documentation or pointers on this would be appreciated.

pytest-bdd steps in files with names that don't match pytest's patterns in the`python_files` settings, like,,, are not picked up by pytests assertion rewriting. Here's a simple...

It would be awesome if you support using existing ad block filters, like the ones on this website:

> I built this project to improve my workflow with Django and Grunt. I work in a *nix environment, so I didn't bother with trying to support other platforms. I...

It's kind of hard to compare `4553521` to `15058417127` if you don't have any separators. `4,553,521` and `15,058,417,127` are a lot easier to read.

Paylogic got an email from readthedocs that they need a config file soon. This is the most minimal file as suggested by We're also fine transferring ownership of the...

Paylogic got an email from readthedocs that they need a config file soon. This is the most minimal file as suggested by We're also fine transferring ownership of the...