## Proposed Changes *Give a brief overview of your contribution here in a few sentences.* We need a different treatment of the convective scalar fluxes to improve results for the...
**Describe the bug** a primal and adjoint restart with multigrid will not produce the correct residuals for turbulence. **To Reproduce** Use the restart validation tutorial for species transport. Switch off...
**Describe the bug** *A clear and concise description of what the bug is and what you expect the behavior to be instead. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your...
**Describe the bug** *A clear and concise description of what the bug is and what you expect the behavior to be instead. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** *A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]* This is a reminder...
Hi! I have a multiblock vtu file of a 2D mesh with data. So multiblock is basically a collection of vtu files. I have a 2D vtu for the 'internal'...
**Describe the bug** If I start SU2_CFD with USE_INLET_PROFILE= YES but the inlet profile does not exist, then an example_profile.dat file will be written for you. When I start in...
## Proposed Changes *Give a brief overview of your contribution here in a few sentences.* When using wall functions in combination with heat transfer, a thermal law of the wall...
## Proposed Changes For volume names, we assume that the filename is filename.ext and we strip the extension using find_last_of('.') But: 1. This can lead to unwanted file stripping when...
## Proposed Changes Special signal handling for SIGTERM. When SIGTERM is sent to the solver, we catch it and simply exit the for-loop for the number of iterations. Files will...