Did somebody work on this? A simple solution is to add a call to detect_features in generate_from_off.cpp for single body cases.
Below are the residuals for the primal at iteration 10, the primal restarted at iteration 10 and the adjoint restart for the species transport tutorial, where species transport is turned...
go away, stalebot!
still not fixed...
Hi! For some reason the files that you edited are not in the directories that they belong in, but are residing in the main SU2 directory. You have to move...
OK, great. In the mean time, some changes were made to CEulerSolver.cpp by @pcarruscag , which is why it now says that there is a merge conflict here. You'll have...
I just ran the case and I see this as well, even after complete convergence. You clearly can see this in the energy and pressure (and density) but not in...
@WallyMaier I don't have a reference showing the specific terms for SA, but you can derive it from the general transformation from Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates. It looks like the...
Would be great if you can take the lead and 1. create a new feature branch feature_supersonicinlet here on github from the develop branch and 2. start a draft pull...
OK great! I recommend working in vscode so if you haven't installed it yet, please have a look at it. It's also easy to discuss problems that you have with...