The edge correction in PhysicalGeometry is correctly modifying the normals, all edges between ipoint and jpoint that lie on the symmetry plane are identified, and the normal of the dual...
> So modifying the gradient + residual is an improvement and it's just the normals that cause issues? Or the change to the residual is also problematic? The modification of...
Below is a new testcase, laminar flow around a cylinder. In the line figure I show the normal velocity on the axis y=0, with the solid red line the results...
Symmetry plane is correct now. Below the figure of the super coarse diverging channel flow. Top figure: corrected symmetry, Bottom figure: original. The symmetry plane is in the middle of...
Here is a picture of the diverging channel flow with the pressure contours. This is not related to the current implementation, but notice that at the corner where the outlet...
Update: Everything seems to work correctly now.
Results for laminar flow around a cylinder. right-top figure shows normal velocity at the symmetry axis, which should be zero. old (develop) can show very high values for normal velocity....
Flow around a sphere, taking a 5 degree slice with 2 symmetry planes. Top:new implementation. bottom: old (develop). This picture shows axial velocity, for both converged to (pressure)R=-10. 
TO DO: add testcase with 2 symmetry planes (laminar flow around sphere, slice)
There are some other find_last_of lines as well, if all filenames are supposed to be given without any file extension, then these should all be removed.